How long should a commercial roof last?


If you own a commercial property or manage the maintenance of one, you are probably well aware of how essential your roof is to the smooth operation and health of your business. A new roof can be a significant investment, requiring planning and preparation. So you don’t want such a project to come as a surprise. Knowing how long your commercial roof should last will help you better plan and find the best commercial roof service for the job. MK Roofing has been serving the North Jersey region for decades, so we have the experience to know when it’s time for a new roof. Since climate and geographic location play a role in the longevity of a roof, it helps to have a local expert who can provide guidance on the specific region where your property is located. Here we’ll explore how long of a lifespan a commercial roof should have as well as ways you can extend its life. 

How long will my commercial roof last?

One of the most common questions we receive is about the longevity of a commercial roof. It’s understandable. We know you want to get the most years out of your roof investment, which is why we’re committed to providing the guidance and insight to help you do everything possible to extend the life of a commercial roof.

The general answer to the question of how long a commercial roof will last is simple. For a new roof, you can expect your commercial roof to last between 20 to 25 years. However, to achieve such a long-life span, a commercial roof requires a quality installation as well as regular maintenance. Even if you receive a high-quality roof initially, forgetting about it for years and not providing routine maintenance to the roof will severely shorten its life. That’s why it’s more cost-effective to keep up a schedule of regular maintenance rather than have to put out the expense prematurely for a whole new roof. 

Why does my commercial roof need to be replaced?

Routine coatings and repairs help extend the life of a roof. But there is a common misconception that these types of maintenance services can go on indefinitely. The fact is that every roof, no matter how expertly installed or how well it’s maintained, will need to be fully replaced eventually. It’s better to plan for this project every 20 to 25 years, rather than be caught off guard with the need for such an investment in your property. 

It’s important to understand the difference between a roof replacement and a roof recovery. Many times a re-cover is possible to extend the life of a roof. However, the existing roof needs to be structurally sound in order to withstand the weight of an additional covering. A new cover is a cost-effective strategy which is not disruptive to your business and provides a quick solution for roof maintenance. Conversely, a full roof replacement is a large construction project that will require the demolition of the current roof followed by construction of the new roof. Because a roof can only sustain a fixed number of re-coats, every roof eventually will require a full replacement. However, the way you maintain your roof will influence how quickly you’ll need to invest in this major undertaking. 

My commercial roof is leaking, do I need a new roof?

Here’s a common scenario: Significant rain falls during a heavy storm. A business owner either discovers a leak themself or is made aware of it by someone at the facility. Panic sets in. The business is not prepared to take on the expense and disruption of a new roof replacement. Maybe it’s the busy season, maybe finances are not where they were supposed to be. Whatever the case, the business owner puts off contacting a roofing expert. Instead, they hope it was just a fluke event due to an especially heavy storm. Things return to normal quickly and business goes on as usual, and the roof concerns fade into the background – until the next big rainstorm. 

Every time water infiltrates the roof, it threatens to compromise the entire structure and everything inside the building. But due to the cost of a full roof replacement, some business owners procrastinate on reaching out to a roofing service. However, what is important to understand is that not every leak means you need a full new roof. In fact, the safest and most cost-effective response is to contact a commercial roofing pro as soon as possible. By examining and evaluating the roof, an experienced commercial roofer can assess the leaking areas and determine the best course of action. 

Many times all a commercial roof will need is a coat or covering which can be applied directly to the existing roof. This option not only costs a fraction of a new roof construction, but it will prevent further damage from occurring to the roof and building as a whole. The takeaway to remember is: a leak doesn’t mean you will need a new roof. But it does mean you need to reach out to a reputable commercial roofer in a timely fashion to prevent further damage from occurring.  

Extend the Life of Your Roof with a Trusted Commercial Roofing Service in North Jersey

North Jersey buildings experience significant weather extremes. Winters can be freezing cold with some years seeing significant snow and ice. Meanwhile summers can be equally punishing with damaging hail, rain, and heatwaves, not to mention the relentless sun of the summer months. All of these environmental factors can compromise a commercial roof. 
While you should expect to need a new roof every 20 to 25 years, you can ensure you get the most years possible with proper maintenance and care. At MK Roofing, we are highly experienced in the vast array of coating options that not only help extend the life of your roof, but also provide added benefits like better indoor climate control and energy savings. Reach out to MK Roofing to receive a roof wellness check. We’ll let you know the condition of your current roof and what you can do to extend the life and create a more energy efficient commercial facility.